Menopause specialist - Rejuvenate Clinic

Introduction to Menopause and Hormone Imbalance

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through as they age. The average age for menopause is 51, but it can happen earlier or later. Perimenopause refers to the years leading up to menopause when hormone levels become erratic. This fluctuation often causes uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, trouble sleeping, and more.

While menopause itself is not a medical condition, the hormonal changes can significantly impact quality of life when left unaddressed. The good news is that with proper testing, monitoring, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT), symptoms can be relieved allowing women to feel their best.

That's why having an experienced menopause specialist overseeing care is so important. At Rejuvenate Clinic, our practitioners have advanced training in menopause medicine and understand the nuances of hormone balance during this transition. We personalize treatment plans with bioidentical hormones to restore optimal levels tailored to your unique needs.

Why Choose a Menopause Specialist?

Seeing a dedicated menopause practitioner has many advantages:

With a thorough understanding of the interconnected hormone pathways, our practitioners can identify deficiencies early and prevent long-lasting issues like heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia down the road.

Table 1 shows the key benefits of working with a specialist versus a general practitioner:

Menopause Specialist General Practitioner
Advanced hormone testing Limited testing
Bioidentical HRT options Generic HRT only
Personalized treatment plans Standardized care
Ongoing follow-ups and changes Infrequent follow-ups
Holistic approach Symptom-focused

Our collaborative approach looks at the whole woman to determine the right protocols and dosing. We partner with each woman to optimize not just hormones, but nutrition, fitness, stress relief and mental health support.

Qualifications of Our Menopause Practitioners

Our practitioners have extensive medical training and a dedication to ongoing education about the latest advancements in the field of menopause:

We stay current on the newest testing, medications, delivery methods, and lifestyle approaches to manage symptoms. Our comprehensive understanding allows us to create fully customized treatment plans.

We know that no two women have the exact same menopause experience. We personalize care based on your symptoms, health history, hormone levels, and preferences.

Common Menopausal Symptoms and Treatment

Let's explore some of the most common menopausal symptoms and how an experienced menopause doctor approaches treatment:

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Over 75% of women have hot flashes and night sweats leading up to and during menopause. They range from mild to severe, striking multiple times a day.

Table 2 shows the key facts on hot flashes:

Sudden sensation of heat in upper body
Lasts 1-5 minutes on average
Often accompany sweating and skin flushing
Linked to hormone fluctuations
Most frequent during early menopause

For many women, hot flashes and night sweats profoundly impact quality of life. They disrupt sleep, work, relationships, and emotional well-being. Finding the right treatment is crucial.

As menopause hormone specialists, we dig into your health history and symptoms. Blood tests help us understand your hormone profile during this transition. Often estrogen deficiency explains severe or prolonged symptoms.

We can effectively treat hot flashes using bioidentical estrogen in creams, patches, gels, or vaginal inserts. The method depends on your needs and preferences. We'll also address lifestyle factors like stress, spicy foods, alcohol, and more that can trigger symptoms.

Vaginal Dryness and Painful Intercourse

Plummeting estrogen during menopause often leads to vaginal atrophy and associated discomforts like:

75% of postmenopausal women struggle with painful intercourse due to thinning vaginal tissue and reduced lubrication. This can severely impact intimacy within relationships.

As your vaginal health experts, we determine the right treatment such as localized estrogen therapy. This can be administered as a cream, suppository, insert or ring placed directly in the vagina for rapid absorption.

We also suggest lubricants and moisturizers to use as needed for more comfortable intercourse. Addressing this sensitive issue improves sex lives, relationships, and overall wellness during menopause.

Mood Changes and Depression

Many women experience emotional highs and lows during the menopausal transition. Stress, anxiety, and depression often spike due to shifting reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Up to 23% of menopausal women deal with significant depressive symptoms. Research shows hormone imbalance plays a major role in mood disruption for some women.

As your mental health allies, we identify and target hormonal triggers with bioidentical estrogen, testosterone, and/or progesterone. These help stabilize mood, energy, motivation, and sense of well-being. If hormone therapy isn't enough, we'll collaborate with psychologists for additional support.

We also equip women with healthy coping strategies regarding life changes, grief, relationships, and self-care. Our goal is helping you emerge stronger than ever.

Other Key Symptoms

While we've covered some major concerns, other common menopausal symptoms include:

Hormone deficiency often plays a role in these issues as well. After thorough evaluation, we craft integrated plans using bioidentical hormones along with diet, exercise, stress reduction, and supplement recommendations when warranted.

We partner together to determine the optimum protocols to significantly improve how you look and feel during this transition.

Seek personalized care from a menopause specialist for optimal hormone health.


Seeing an experienced menopause specialist for testing, monitoring, and treatment provides women the best chance at balancing hormones for ideal health and wellness long-term. At Rejuvenate Clinic, our dedicated practitioners are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can help you thrive during this natural phase of life.

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