Hormone therapy - Rejuvenate Clinic

Hormone therapy is a treatment that replaces hormones when the body cannot produce enough on its own. As we age or due to medical conditions, our hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to unpleasant symptoms that impact quality of life. Restoring optimal hormone levels through replacement therapy can provide immense benefits and drastically improve wellbeing. This guide covers all the basics of hormone therapy - who needs it, what it treats, available options, and so much more. We aim to be your trusted source of information to take charge of hormonal health.

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy supplements the body with hormones that it lacks due to dysfunction of the endocrine glands. It is an effective treatment approach for age-related or disease-induced hormone deficiency.

The key hormones that are commonly replaced include:

Hormone therapy can take different forms like pills, skin gels/creams, injections, subcutaneous pellets, or adhesive patches that supply your body with adequate hormone levels it needs.

Who Needs Hormone Therapy?

You may be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy if suffering from symptoms like:

These indicate your hormones are out of optimal range. Both men and women can undergo treatment after proper diagnosis by a hormone health practitioner.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

A qualified hormonal specialist will begin by reviewing your signs, symptoms, and medical history.

They will order key lab tests to analyze hormone levels and check for nutritional deficiencies that could impact endocrine function.

Common lab tests include complete blood count, metabolic panel, thyroid panel, sex hormones like testosterone or estrogen tests, stress hormones like cortisol, and more specific tests to assess different hormone axes.

Benefits of Balancing Hormones

Benefits for Women Benefits for Men
Relief of menopause symptoms Increased energy and stamina
Reduced risk of osteoporosis Improved strength and endurance
Improved vaginal and bladder function Enhanced libido and sexual function
Increased sex drive and satisfaction Better mood and cognitive function
Improved sleep quality Reduced body fat and increased muscle mass
Better physical and mental wellbeing Healthier cholesterol levels

Hormone therapy aims to restore normal hormonal balance so the body and mind can function optimally. The wide range of benefits spans several aspects of health.

Restore hormonal balance for improved wellbeing.

Treatment Options for Hormone Deficiency

There are a variety of hormone supplements and delivery methods to choose from:

1. Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Used to treat menopause symptoms in women caused by dropping estrogen levels. Estrogen therapy comes as pills, skin patches, sprays, and creams, such as:

2. Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The most common treatment for testosterone deficiency or "low T" in aging males. Helps build strength, energy, and sex drive. Options include:

3. Thyroid Hormone Replacement

Used when the thyroid gland is underactive and produces too little thyroid hormones, leading to weight gain, fatigue, and hair loss. Contains synthetic thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronine (T3) to restore optimal metabolism and energy levels.

4. Human Growth Hormone

GH therapy uses synthetic growth hormone injections under the skin to build muscle mass and bone strength. Mostly prescribed to counter age-related decline in HGH levels but can help those with growth hormone deficiency.

5. DHEA Therapy

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) oral supplements can modestly increase declining DHEA levels. This mildly boosts testosterone and estrogen levels in aging men and women.

Choosing The Right Hormone Specialist

It is vital to select an experienced hormonal doctor to determine which hormones are deficient and require replacement through proper testing and diagnosis.

Here are important factors to consider when picking a hormone therapy provider:

● Specialized Training and Credentials

Choose an endocrinologist or specialist certified in age management medicine with extensive hormone therapy experience.

● Customized Treatment Plans

A thorough evaluation of health history and lab testing should determine which hormones to target and preferred delivery methods.

Hormone therapy risks and benefits differ among individuals, so personalized plans based on actual deficiencies are ideal.

● Ongoing Patient Care Follow-Up

Hormone levels need periodic assessment to adjust dosages accordingly for optimal results and safety. Select a clinic focused on continuous care through treatment.

Rejuvenate Clinic meets all the above criteria for hormone replacement therapy. Our compassionate, holistic hormone specialists have 15 years of expertise in hormonal balance tailored to your unique needs.

Importance of Timely Treatment

Prolonged hormone imbalance can negatively impact physiological function and lead to chronic issues over time. Key reasons to prioritize treatment:

Slow Down Aging

Balancing declining hormone levels with therapy simulates more youthful function and slows aspects of the aging process.

Reduce Disease Risk

Fluctuating or low testosterone/estrogen long-term raises the likelihood of osteoporosis, heart problems in men and women.

Restore Wellbeing

Normalizing hormones alleviates unpleasant symptoms to renew energy, sex drive, emotional health, which all enhance overall quality of life substantially.

In essence, timely hormone replacement preserves vitality and reduces degeneration across critical parameters of health. Routine testing ensures any deficiency gets addressed promptly through an easy-to-start therapy process.

Restore hormonal health, regain energy and vitality.

Starting Hormone Therapy

Beginning hormone treatment comprises three simple steps:

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Your hormone doctor will review symptoms, medical history, and order diagnostic tests to analyze deficiency.

Step 2: Develop Treatment Plan

They will determine which hormones to supplement, preferred delivery method, dosage, and schedule based on your hormone profile and needs.

Step 3: Follow-Up Monitoring

Follow-up visits allow for testing hormone levels to ensure the therapeutic range is achieved and maintained with dosage adjustments as needed.

The team at Rejuvenate Clinic will guide you through every aspect of hormone replacement tailored to your individual hormonal needs.

Lifestyle Recommendations

Certain lifestyle measures alongside hormone therapy will enhance overall results:

● Exercise Regularly

Engage in fitness appropriate for your age and ability at least 3 times a week for morphological and circulatory benefits.

● Healthy Nutrition

Eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet low in sugar and high in antioxidants to provide the raw materials needed for optimal hormone activity.

● Stress Management

Chronic stress raises cortisol, which can disrupt endocrine function. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, breathwork, and yoga.

● Quality Sleep

Getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep allows hormones and the body to fully recharge each day. Establish proper sleep hygiene.

Adopting supportive lifestyle habits creates an internal environment where replacement hormones can work most effectively for more noticeable benefits in energy, body composition, sex drive, and general vitality!

Role in Longevity Vitality

Aging brings about declines in growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones. Keeping levels optimal as we age with therapy ensures the regenerative and protective effects continue longer to slow aspects of aging and prolong peak performance.

Benefits of youthful hormone levels include:

In essence, correcting age-induced hormone loss maximizes masculine and feminine traits well into our later decades.

Hormone Therapy Causes Cancer

A common misconception is that hormone replacement, especially testosterone therapy, raises cancer risk or speeds tumor growth in people who have had cancer.

The Facts:

Large research reviews encompassing thousands of men find no convincing evidence that testosterone treatment increases the risk for prostate cancer or its recurrence in men with a history of prostate cancer.

Studies also show estrogen therapy does not increase recurrent risk for breast cancer or worsen outcomes in the majority of women who survived breast cancer.

Of course, those with active hormone-sensitive cancers should avoid treatment without doctor consent. Discuss your unique risk profile with a specialist.


Our endocrine glands secrete powerful hormones regulating critical bodily processes tied to youthfulness. Age or disease hinders their optimal production, resulting in deficiency symptoms robbing us of peak energy and wellness.

Thankfully, restoring levels to the normal range is now possible under expert care. The expansive benefits of treatment make hormones an indispensable key to prolonging and maximizing total health and function.

Reach out to Rejuvenate Clinic today about specialized testing and therapies to renew your hormonal balance for an elevated quality of life!

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