Bioidentical Hormone doctors - Rejuvenate Clinic

What are Bioidentical Hormones and Bioidentical Hormone Doctors?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are chemically identical to those made naturally in the human body. The term "bioidentical" means the hormones have a chemical structure that perfectly matches human hormones.

Bioidentical hormone doctors specialize in restoring optimal hormone balance using bioidentical hormone therapy. They customize treatment plans with bioidentical hormone replacement consisting of estrogens, progesterone and/or testosterone in the optimal ratios and doses based on the patient's unique needs.

Bioidentical Hormones What They Do
Estrogen Regulates female reproduction and sexuality. Maintains bone strength, cardiovascular health, skin elasticity, etc.
Progesterone Works synergistically with estrogen. Essential for regulating the menstrual cycle and reproduction.
Testosterone Essential for male sexuality, muscle mass, bone density and cognitive function. Needed in smaller amounts by women too.

Unlike synthetic hormones commonly prescribed as one-size-fits all solutions, bioidentical hormones match the body's natural hormones exactly. They are plant-derived and bioengineered in compounding pharmacies to tailor doses and ratios specific to the patient's labs and symptoms.

Why are Bioidentical Hormones Better Than Synthetic?

Bioidentical hormones have several key advantages:

On the other hand, commonly prescribed synthetic hormones like Premarin, Provera and birth control pills contain lab-made chemicals that may not entirely match human hormones. This can lead to frustrating symptoms or side effects in some people even when labs look "normal".

Bioidentical hormone replacement under the guidance of a skilled bioidentical hormone specialist provides truly customized care aiming to resolve stubborn symptoms and restore optimal wellness long-term.

Restore balance. Consult a bioidentical hormone specialist now.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Declining hormones manifest in many ways diminishing health and vitality. Common deficiency signs include:

Estrogen Deficiency

Stage of Menopause Common Symptoms
Perimenopause Irregular cycles, PMS, fatigue, anxiety, headaches
Menopause Hot flashes, sleep disruption, mood swings, weight gain
Postmenopause Vaginal dryness, recurrent UTIs, bone loss, heart disease risk

Progesterone Deficiency

Testosterone Deficiency

In men:

In women:

Bioidentical hormone doctors identify hormone imbalances through optimal testing and help patients resolve sometimes dozens of troubling symptoms for good through properly balanced bioidentical hormone replacement.

The Importance of Addressing Hormone Deficiencies

Ignoring bothersome menopause or andropause symptoms and signs of estrogen, progesterone or testosterone deficiency is tempting but not wise. Here's why timely treatment is so important:

The downward spiral of hormone-related decline is NOT inevitable with age! Through proper testing, balancing and monitoring with a bioidentical hormone specialist, many frustrations and health risks associated with aging can truly be slowed, reduced or reversed.

Choosing a Bioidentical Hormones Doctor

Not all healthcare providers understand or support bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. When seeking an optimal bioidentical hormones doctor specialist, look for the following:

Initial Evaluation

Ongoing Patient Care

When vetting a prospective bioidentical hormone specialist, also consider their credentials and reputation in the field of anti-aging, functional or integrative medicine. Look for designations indicating advanced training in restoring hormone health naturally.

Be sure you feel comfortable, understood and hopeful after your initial consult. Establishing trust and rapport is key for this long-term personalized partnership targeting your peak vitality and wellness.

Rediscover your best self. Consult a bioidentical hormone specialist today.

Qualified Bioidentical Hormone Specialists Use State-of-the-Art Diagnostics

Precision balancing of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone depends first on identifying individual deficiencies accurately.

Cutting-edge specialty labs offer detailed analysis of:

These sophisticated data points guide bioidentical hormone doctors to customize fully individualized bioidentical hormone replacement regimens. Follow up testing continues ensuring optimal levels, ratios and metabolism long-term.

At Rejuvenate Clinic, our doctors use highly advanced diagnostics and continuously educate themselves on the latest science around hormone optimization for resilient wellness and longevity.

Innovations in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The methods for delivering bioidentical hormone replacement continue advancing dramatically, expanding options for patients:

More convenient, comfortable administrations

Enhanced bioavailability, activity and safety

Personalized multi-modal plans

Bioidentical hormone doctors artfully combine:

This "symphony approach" attunes the endocrine system harmoniously.

We invite you to learn more about the latest advancements and individualize an optimal bioidentical hormone replacement protocol just for you during a new patient consult at Rejuvenate Clinic.

Lifestyle Steps for Optimal Hormone Health

While bioidentical hormone therapy provides tremendous benefits, patients still must care properly for themselves to achieve and sustain peak wellness. Our doctors provide specific guidance around:


Hormones rely on certain vitamins, minerals and healthy fats for production and activity. These support optimal hormone response:

An anti-inflammatory diet rich in produce, lean proteins, fiber and healthy fats fortifies hormone health best long-term.

Stress Management

Chronic stress overactivates cortisol causing hormone imbalance. Prioritizing sufficient sleep, relaxation, social connection, and coping tools protects hormone function.

Fitness & Body Composition

Both cardio and strength training promote hormone sensitivity. Carrying excess body fat, especially visceral fat, disrupts hormone signaling.

Our physicians provide personalized nutrition, stress reduction and fitness advice to help you achieve your wellness goals faster. Visit Rejuvenate Clinic to learn more how we optimize lifestyle alongside bioidentical hormone therapy for transformative results.

Mental Health & Cognitive Support

Robust evidence confirms testosterone and estrogen powerfully impact men and women's moods, outlook and memory - for better and worse.

Declining or imbalanced hormones commonly manifest as:

Restoring hormones frequently improves these mental health frustrations along with physical concerns.

For some, additional amino acids, adaptogens, nootropics or neural peptide support magnify benefits:

Rejuvenate Clinic customizes cutting-edge, natural neurological support ensuring patients realize full mental clarity and mood benefits from bioidentical hormone replacement.

Bioidentical Hormones For Longevity

A common myth holds that hormone changes and resulting signs of aging are inevitable. Yet science reveals declining hormones largely reflect modern lifestyle choices and expose us to heightened disease risks.

Bioidentical hormone doctors essentially help turn back the clock - restoring hormone levels, energy and well-being characteristic of youth. Through personalized therapy, vigilant patients can decelerate biological aging and compress morbidity towards the end of a vibrantly healthy lifespan.

Anti-aging benefits observed with bioidentical hormone replacement:

Committed patients who implement fitness, nutrition and stress reduction techniques on top of customized bioidentical hormones demonstrate measurably slower aging and spend more years thriving.

Inspiring Bioidentical Hormone Success Stories

Millions now enjoy the magic of balanced hormones after despairing over low libidos, hot flashes, ED, belly fat, anxiety, weakness and sickness. Meet inspiring people positively transformed through bioidentical hormone replacement:

Sarah J. Lost 25lbs, Regained Passion in Marriage

"Since starting bioidentical hormone therapy, I have my energy and motivation back. My husband and I were drifting apart but now our love life couldn't be better. I've shed excess weight, foggy thinking and joint pain. I wish I'd done this years ago!"

Michael P, Executive Whipped Fatigue, Saved His Marriage

"My work and family were suffering because I had no stamina after hitting 50. Testosterone replacement therapy with Rejuvenate Clinic gave me my drive as a man back in every possible way! I got lean, strong and mentally sharp again. My wife adores the change too."

Emily A. Feels "Amazing After Babies"

"Having 3 babies back-to-back did a number on me - weight gain, bad PMS, low milk supply, no sex drive. My OB didn't understand but I never felt normal. An exam at Rejuvenate Clinic revealed progesterone deficiency. I'm feeling AND looking like my best self again!"


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be a life-changing solution for men and women suffering from hormone imbalances and deficiencies. By working with qualified bioidentical hormone doctors like those at Rejuvenate Clinic, you can receive personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and address a wide range of symptoms. With the right approach, bioidentical hormones can help you reclaim your vitality, improve your overall well-being, and potentially reduce the risk of age-related diseases. Don't hesitate to seek help from experienced professionals if you're experiencing signs of hormone imbalance – it could be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier life.

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